After a referral from DS(2)'s pedi, we are getting an early intervention plan set up for DS's regimented behavior and asynchronous behavior. I'm told it's a three pronged approach. The first step is an in-home evaluation. Since he's only 2, he needs to be observed in his home setting to see where his strengths and weaknesses are, then will meet with a developmental psychologist and start therapy. We already know he has SPD, but we don't know the extent or severity yet, since I haven't pushed it with him. I didn't want to set him back or make things worse.

Has anyone else had an in-home eval? What do they consist of? I know she said she'd be looking at his attachment, his engagement, depth of play, physical abilities, how he copes with frustration, etc. Wondering if anyone could share any experiences of how it went with your kiddos.