Originally Posted by MomC
I was talking to the principal about ANY kind of acceleration, she said "Well my son who is just as smart as your child didn't learn anything all year in 7th grade but he turned out just fine....blah, blah, blah" I felt sick and knew that I would never get anywhere because nobody really cared about the kids actually learning.

I wonder if you had the same school principal? wink Shades of the same thing here.

There is a complete and fundamental failure and it would seem an unwillingness to change. Gifted students are not individuals in this way of thinking - they all get "x," and only x. Surely, our "rigorous" x is sufficient for ALL? Can you imagine if they tried to apply this logic to the other end of the spectrum???

madeinuk - unfortunately, our state laws are of no help, so although this is a good idea, I do not think it would help in our situation. Children like ours really have no protection. So if the school wants to treat them all exactly the same - or even do nothing, for that matter - it would appear that there is really very little recourse.

Our district doesn't accelerate, so it doesn't use the IAS. I have mentioned it before only to be met with blank stares.

Sorry, I am just really having a bad day. I know that others have been here before. I just really feel like I am failing my DD and I do not feel like we have great options for her right now.