Originally Posted by ajinlove
We had the similar situation with DS7's music teacher. He was being disrespectful: he wasn't listening to the instructions, chatting with other kids when the teacher is talking, rolling his eyes and sighing, etc.

I had a phone conversation and email messages with the music teacher and was asked to meet her at the T/P conference. The music teacher thought that DS did not appreciate music. As the teacher was telling us what they learn in class, my DH realized that DS was probably bored with what they are learning. He is a talented piano player and does appreciate music. What they learn in school is probably too "kids like" for him.

We did talk to him about not being respectful to the teacher. Even he thinks the class is not interesting, he should still follow the rules of the classroom and respect the teachers. His behavior is affecting other kids in the class so it's not fair to them. He's getting better now but we'll see.

I am wondering if your DS only behaves this way in the art class? My DS was only like this in music class. He's good in PE class and he's doing exceptionally well at the art class.

It's most chronic with this particular class. He used to love art but has decided he is not good at it (we've talked with the teacher about this and she assures us that she tells them everyone can do art in their own way, but he doesn't buy it, imo). He is a socializer, the chitchat part of this issue has occurred off and on since, well, he left Montessori at age 5. We are told it has improved quite a bit over time and that he is normally a good classroom participant. The disrespect part (he talked back to her) is newer. We have had multiple conversations about how it hurts his classmates when he does this, he seems to understand and then this happened again.