Thank you Aufilia. Yes, this will be a supplement to what he's already getting in school. They just started his individual learning plan a couple of weeks ago. What they do for him is to have him working on a math packet that is in 2nd/3rd grade math after he's done with his normal work in the classroom. Then the math specialist reviews the answers and discusses anything that he did not understand or did not get right. From the feedback I got from his teacher and himself, it doesn't seem to be working out too well for him so far. He doesn't like to do it but I am not sure if it's too hard for him to self study or still too easy. He told me it is boring.... We are having the teacher-parent conference tonight. The teacher will show me what is in his packet. I may have a better idea what's going on then.
I did decide to start DS with Beast Academy, for the reasons that it is presented in a fun way and it is more in line with common core. I had him taking the 3A assessment and we are going to start there. I think he may be able to start at a higher level but I worry that there are gaps in certain areas so we'll start from the beginning of the program so he gets all the basics down. Hopefully he'll like it and gets excited about doing the problems (like how he gets excited to do problems on Brain Games)