Ania, at least you're calm and collected to not react immediately--I have the tendency to panic and march into school asking for changes...I think I'm maturing though and try to take a few days before doing anything rash. My son has a "Gifted Seminar" this year and he was questioning whether he should take a college course or online instead.

We talked about it and were brainstorming last night about how he could do self-directed study of the middle east, write essays, read political viewpoints, select movies to watch, download iTunes lectures from distinguished speakers and pundits, etc. It could be really cool--if he was motivated and led the small group (only 4 kids). If he were really driven, it would be a great way to develop a strong relationship with a teacher who could write a recommendation someday. I think he started getting excited about the possibilities, so we'll see what he decides.