DS will be 5 in a month. He is in his second year at a Montessori preschool and will return there next year for his kindergarten year. We have him in the half day program.

We'll need to put him in a different school for first grade as his current school ends in kindergarten. One option under consideration is a public self contained gifted program. I've had it in the back of my mind that we would test him with the Wisc next year just after he turns 6. Lately, I've been debating whether we should wait a year or just test now.

Potential benefits of testing now:

1. His current school is quite rigid in the sequence of work and the repetition required, which is causing boredom for DS. Maybe testing would convince them to be a little more flexible?

2. We would have more time to review options before deciding on a school for first grade. Taking the WISC next March, around the time we should be committing to a school, may be rushing things.

3. It may give me some peace of mind to have a better idea of what we are dealing with. I am confident that DS is gifted, but I don't know whether his level of giftedness is going to require major accommodations.

4. DS is starting to become very self-critical about minor things. Maybe testing would give us some insight on how to support him emotionally.

Potential reasons to wait a year:

1. Waiting a year might give us more accurate/stable results.

2. I've heard that ceiling issues might cause problems for gifted 5 year olds taking the WISC.

3. If we also do achievement testing, more current tests could be used to help his new school give instruction appropriately matched to his academic level.

I would really appreciate any insight - thank you!