My DS was obsessed with alphabets since he was a one year old. By a year and a half he already knew all 26 letters, and he knew the phonics by 2. His best Xmas gift was a bag of alphabet magnets which only cost us $2 :-). He was everything alphabet. He would watch videos and play games related to alphabet on iPad for a long time on his own.

He also liked to spend time with the adults more than other kids especially kids his own age or younger. As he grew older, he showed more and more giftedness: very good memory, reading at a very young age, learning piano in a faster pace, etc. My DH thought he was bright but not gifted. But I read articles on the traits of giftedness. He's got so many of them. We finally got him tested and his FSIQ qualifies him for DYS.

For us his sleeping was never a problem. He loves his sleep. That is one thing he doesn't have as many GT kids have: don't need much sleep.