Originally Posted by _Angie_
I did successfully teach a lesson for Hour of Code on coding to the class, during math time, which was designed to naturally allow the advanced kids to move at their own pace. It was a huge success and the teacher asked if I could come back and do another activity. So at least there is some minor success story to report there! I got to teach recursion to a K student that is always way ahead in math -- that was awesome. smile
Glad the hour of code was a success. Now that the teacher knows you do good work maybe you can show her some material for enrichment math time. Don't be too discourage just do talk with the teacher and do it strategically.

LOL to the K understanding recursion. In my first formal programming class back in college the professor spent an entire class session on recursion. I got it in the first 5 minutes and remember sitting through the rest of the class wondering why he was belaboring the subject and didn't move on to something more interesting. And after class a surprising number of students were still confused about the topic. It was when I first realized I might make a good programmer.