In my son's K class, the kids listen to a math lesson at circle time for 20 minutes and then they break into 3 groups for math practice, with a teacher, the TA or a parent volunteer. I volunteer once a week in my son's class and always have the top group.

The work is differentiated a little between the three groups, but in that top group there are 3 of the 8 kids working at a 2nd-3rd grade level, while the rest are working at a late K level.

Last week I had a GREAT math session with the 5 kids that are in the lower part of the top group, working a little ahead of grade level. But it made me bummed because the top 3 kids (my son included) weren't challenged. At all.

Is there any reason I shouldn't bring in a packet of "bonus problems" for these top 3 kids to let them work on after they finish their work (which takes about 3 minutes) while I work with the other 5 kids? Would that insult the teacher if I asked to do so? She's claiming she's differentiating and she IS, just not enough for the very top kids.

And currently I try to keep them busy anyway by flipping their papers over and making up random problems on the fly. It always feels really inefficient.

Thanks in advance. You guys always seem to point out things I haven't thought about. I have a very good relationship with his teacher and don't want to cause problems there.