DD attends a middle school with multiple bands at multiple levels. You have to test in to the next level band, but there are no requirements for individual pieces. I will say it again--I completely oppose restricting music education to certain students. 100% against. I am completely fine with ensembles at different levels, but everyone who wants to particpate should have the right to do so. As a matter of fact, I wish sports were run this way as well, with casual intramural sports available to kids who just want to play for fun. Kids like DD who are not really athletic (nor inclined to focus on sports) but enjoy playing team sports for fun have no good outlet when team rec sports age out around 12. This type of thing used to exist. Why does every darn thing have to be so serious? I support in-depth programs for those with the interest and dedication, but let the rest of the kids dabble and enjoy. You actually don't know who may eventually emerge as devoted in the long run. I have a child who is not musically gifted in the typical sense but who shows an intriguingly creative response to music and, more than that, an interest and love (she will sit and listen to a whole album on headphones with deep concentration) that may yet keep her playing long past the time when natural technical talents give up their instruments. (ETA: FWIW, DD practices religiously, so she would certainly pass any test on her musical pieces...this is not sour grapes. ;))

Last edited by ultramarina; 01/05/16 01:50 PM.