Originally Posted by blackcat
Also, if he is 2e you should figure out if he is not performing because of the disability, for instance not being able to plan/organize assignments. If that is the problem, rather than just not being interested, then you should push for accommodations/modifications and possibly interventions no matter what program he is in.

If you're not sure of this (reason for underperforming), I'd spend some time first thing really digging into why he's underperforming. He might dislike school because it's boring or not interesting, or he might find it boring and uninteresting because he's still struggling with un-remediated or un-accommodated challenges related to his dysgraphia etc. One thing that happened with my ds around 4th/5th grade was that, as we were able to finally get his dysgraphia accommodations in place and dysgraphia itself was no longer a brick wall preventing ds from showing his knowledge, we realized ds had an expressive language disability also - it just hadn't been apparent until we removed the first roadblock to communication.

Providing a classroom environment where disability accommodations are in place, providing remediation as needed, and placing your child in a classroom where the intellectual discussion and learning are at the appropriate level are all key - but it's really really important to be sure you've covered the first two before a student can perform successfully and also be happy in the appropriate intellectual-level classroom.

Re the other school program - you should be able to work on accommodations and remediation in either place (in theory - but check that out to be sure!). If there aren't any bars re accommodations/etc, then look at the school as you would for any child - what does it offer for your ds? Is it worth switching? Is it a new or established program? What do other parents say about it? Do you think your ds would be happy there? Are there reasons your ds wouldn't want to change schools? How long will he be at his current school before middle school if he doesn't switch schools? What opportunities does he have for acceleration/etc in middle school (we have more opportunities here than in elementary)?

If you're interested in switching, I'd ask the school to let him have a visiting day where he spends the day with the class he'd go into, then see what your ds has to say about it.

Best wishes,
