Originally Posted by blackcat
I have a hard time believing that the boys are referred for gifted services by teachers more often due to them being disruptive in class, because most teachers seem to refer the perfect high-achievers, thinking they would be successful in a gifted program. A boy who is off-task and always needing re-direction or discipline, would probably just be seen as a troublemaker, and less likely to be successful with advanced work.

blackcat, in our school district, the referrals to gifted programs essentially meant a student left the classroom they were in for either part of the day or to transfer full-time to a gifted public school program - hence a student referred for gifted testing was potentially a student leaving a teacher's classroom, hence the referrals for disruptive students. This really only happened in elementary school, heavily so the first few years. There were also students who'd been referred for team testing for SPED - due to behavior - not for gifted program testing, that tested as gifted, who might never have been identified if not for the ability testing through the SPED referral.
