Originally Posted by Platypus101
aeh - would those scores raise potential questions about visual processing to you?

Platypus, our dysgraphic ds has similar low subtest scores on the WJ-III Cog/Ach - he was tested using the WJ-III at 11, with significantly discrepant scores in fluency subtests and the visual-matching subtest.

Dysgraphia can have different root causes, either fine-motor or related to visual challenges. In my ds' case, the dysgraphia is related to fine-motor challenges. The way we determined that is through additional tests run by his neuropsychologist: the Beery VMI (this is a test of visual motor integration) and a finger-tapping test (I think it was part of the Nepsy, but don't remember for certain - can look it up later if you'd like).

Dysgraphics also have different abilities re spelling depending upon the type of dysgraphia. One type has spelling challenges, another doesn't. My ds was always an excellent speller on spelling tests, but spelling while writing is a mess. Bees, you might want to google "dysgraphia types" to find an explanation of the different ways dysgraphia presents and see if any of it relates to your ds.

Best wishes,


Last edited by polarbear; 12/19/15 12:01 PM.