You've gotten some good advice above. I agree that the answer to your question depends on the child, the exact school options, etc. I homeschooled my DYS dyslexic/dysgraphic until he was 11, at which point he entered a college prep private school. Homeschooling him in the early years was likely the best thing I could have done for him. I probably caught the stealth dyslexia earlier than any school would have. (It was fairly mild and well-compensated.) I spared him being labeled or feeling "stupid". Because we didn't have big private school costs, we were able to pay to have the LD intensively remediated. And I was able to tailor his learning to support his weaknesses and challenge his strengths. He is currently getting pretty much straight A's at school and is feeling very confident. It sounds like our situations may be pretty different, however. I do think you are probably the best judge of whether you can best meet the needs of your child.