Thanks for all the replies.

Regarding the dancing. She was very welcomed into this new studio, enjoyed the girls, and many go to her high school so it was a great transition. There was a fall show, in which she was in the corps, dancing a very hard part, and very excited to be in the show. She slimed down working so hard, she was happy with how dancing more was toning up her body. Then after the cast list for the christmas show came out, she rolled her ankle in an early rehearsal and was mad that she had to rest it for a couple of days because "you don't understand, mom! I LOVE dancing here!!" three weeks later I was hearing "its just not fun dancing when I'm not any good" "I just terrible at dancing." I spoke to the teacher, who said she has been pushing DD, she is going to try some sugar with her salt, so encourage her more.
I'm going to look at these articles, and see what I can do about finding her professional help.
I'm not opposed to her dropping down from Gifted Language Arts, but she won't be able to that until she enters 11th grade, for 10th grade she is here and practically, can't move her. Since next year she is likely to add more AP classes, and she doesn't enjoy language arts, its fine if she doesn't want to take the hard level class. But her teacher and I have spoken and her teacher says it is not an ability issue.