My son DS9 has been diagnosed with ADHD and an impairment social pragmatics.

I have noticed that he does not *do* team sports well. For instance, when we tried soccer, he would get the ball and not seem to know what to do with it. Inevitably, the other team would grab it from him, or he would kick it somewhere randomly. On a few infamous occasions, he would take to the wrong side of the field and try to kick it into an the opposing team's goal.

Basketball, not much better-- could not seem to dribble and think of shooting in a fluid way.

I've noticed that DS does get significantly better with repetitive coordination tasks, given enough practice and time (martial arts have been good). Hand-eye coordination tested in the 99th percentile per the neuropsych.

This issue does not seem to extend to intellectual tasks. DS is a Davidson Young Scholar, and is quick and advanced in intellectual reasoning-- although processing falls around the 90th or so percentile (much lower than the intellectual portions of the IQ test)

I'm asking this question because sports is a real sticking point in our area. Every boy (and I mean 99 out 100) seems to be involved in a team sport. It's utterly socially isolating to not play on a team and it means being picked last for PE and watching the other boys bond while being on the outside. DS feels miserable and excluded, but doesn't seem to want to join teams (probably performance anxiety).

Ideas? DS does do martial arts and swimming, so I'm not looking activities. I just want thoughts on what may be the underlying issue with coordination and planning. He is noticeably less coordinated and "with it" than the other boys when playing a sport.
