I'm not familiar with the tests, but my DS7 also has dyspraxia and also struggles with reading aloud. He skips words, lines, and loses his place on the page. He also tells me that it is easier reading silently.

He is currently doing vision therapy, and I think it's paying off. He now picks up books and reads them on his own - before he would try to read but give up quickly, or come and ask me to read to him. He still resists reading aloud to me, although when he does I notice fewer skipped words.

When I discussed the VT with our pediatrician, he was skeptical. However, he also said that with dyspraxia (DCD), DS will be able to learn motor skills but it will usually take more repetitions. I figured that the VT was at least giving him a chance to practice eye movements (a fine motor skill).

DS also is a perfectionist - So when reading aloud if it doesn't sound quite right to him, he'll go back and re-start a sentence 2 or 3 times until all the words have the correct emphasis. Not sure what to do about that one.