Again, I so appreciate the advice and ideas! I have volunteered to help in the classroom, but have been waiting over two weeks for the background check to get done so that I can start helping. (Yet another frustration.) Hopefully I will be able to start soon! She wants to use me during reading groups two mornings per week. I am also "room mom" and K PTA rep! Probably shouldn't have been such an eager beaver since I'm now considering pulling him out.

But in all seriousness, I am willing to work hard to make it work if we can, and the teacher and I have a good relationship. She does have a challenging class and she is a young, fairly new teacher. The private schools in our town are more than we can afford, even if I went back to work. But there are three charter schools I might visit. I think I was a little stunned after the conference, and now that I've had time to reflect, talk to DS and DH more, etc., I am ready to approach the teacher with the info about his previous testing and ask for more, especially in math. This weekend, he figured out for himself how to multiply fractions, and was excited to discover they "get smaller when you multiply them!" I really feel this is his strongest area of giftedness.