Originally Posted by BSM
On Saturday, DS12 was supposed to start homework at 11am, and try to get a lot done because he had a 1pm doctor appointment. By 11:20 he still hadn't started so I tried to get him moving along. But he was very stressed and kept falling on the floor, not working, and complaining that the assignments were too hard.

After an episode in which I ended up threatening taking away his electronics (I'm not proud of this) he reluctantly started working, and finished his homework fairly easily.
I don't have any earth-shattering advice on this, but in our parallel universe, it works better when we do a "first things first" policy. This is very difficult on the weekend, because all of us would prefer to laze around in the morning, reading and computer-ing and all that.

One thing I find helpful is to make sure I'm using my own biorhythm to my advantage: i.e. I'm a morning person so I find it easier to enforce my own policies earlier in the day, rather than later. YMMV.

Maybe your DS would be open to having a conversation where he owns the homework time and understands if he can't switch gears or make the positive behavior happen when it's needed, the electronics privilege is removed NOT as a punishment, but as a parent making the decision that's in the best interest of the child type deal.

I don't like coercive parenting, either, but with a different frame--it's a little easier to swallow. We have to be the kids' frontal lobe sometimes, don't we?