Originally Posted by Val
...when I post on this topic, people get irritated or angry with me, even though I'm actually trying to help. I'm not trying to be mean...Put another way, I'm a grownup gifted kid who was lucky enough to get an education that lets me recognize this stuff...and I kind of thought that teaching kids to be able to think critically was the whole point of this forum.

The issue with your posts is not the discussion about scientific information. The problem is that you extend your argument into the realm of personal attack by accusing others of not also being critical thinkers. You aren't the only grownup gifted kid with an education on this forum.

Originally Posted by Flyingmouse
I actually wish that the moderators would delete threads where individuals strongly advocate for unproven treatments.

I'm not "strongly advocating" anything. I posted an inquiry to find out about others' direct experiences with an intervention. I spoke only about my own decision making processes and experiences, and supported the idea that each family's decisions are very individualized. Rather than sharing your information and letting the conversation continue, you and Val hijacked the thread so that it has no room for thinking about a question from different directions and is no longer a comfortable space for people to share their direct experience. I wish moderators would be on the lookout for that type of behavior.

I think we can all consider this conversation concluded (I know I won't be replying again). Thanks to those who posted about their experiences. Thanks to Val and FlyingMouse for posting info about the questions about this among the scientific community (it's the tone and personal attacks that are unappreciated).