So, go to the library, or your home library, and read at will. My DS#1 was wishing he was in the GT LA because "they read the best books". Curious, I asked what they were, and said "DS, you can read those books, too. We have many of them, the rest are in the school library or the public library." Always a voracious reader, he upped his level big time. The next year he was in honors English. I do remember when DS#2 was in second grade, and I wondered why his reading level hadn't jumped (he didn't start reading till mid-first grade). The teacher told me, like yours, that they only test to a certain level, and the books in the classroom go up to that level. DS was already at the top level, so they didn't test any higher. Huh? The next year he was in the replacement gifted LA class. Never could figure that out: he was at the top but no higher of 2nd grade one year, but in a 5th-grade level reading class the next?

Fortunately, we never paid attention to what the school said they should be reading.