Wonderful news.

I wouldn't assume the orchestra hasn't had hearing impaired kids before. DS's marching band has a few hearing impaired students every year. The one I personally know has hearing aids and just loves being part of the band.

As to turning the homework in it's quite possible he missed something. As polarbear said, many teachers have a standard basket or location that homework is always turned into and he just didn't catch that detail. I suggest encouraging your son to try and talk with the teacher directly himself, either through email or after/before school or any other designed office hour time. (Hard to do in the switch between classes.) Email might be a perfect tool for him here. Learning that he can and should go talk to teachers directly when he is confused about something, like why the homework wasn't collected will help immensely in the long term. My experience is it took a lot of convincing to get either of my kids to do this but it was worth it in the long run.

Last edited by bluemagic; 08/27/15 09:58 PM.