DS recent testing said his "auditory working memory" tested in superior range.

DD has not had any testing of this type, but I would guess hers is absolutely superior. As a young child, she memorized extremely long books, her digit span (tested informally at home) is insane, and now that she is starting an instrument, we see her that she only needs to play a tune a couple of times before being able to play it easily from memory. When she performs in plays, she memorizes the whole script. And yet she often APPEARS not to be listening, and does not always follow through when given tasks. Does she not hear, or is she resistant, or is she hearing but failing to take the next step to action? This is the kind of complex problem that makes me nuts (yes, she is seeing someone right now for these challenges).

DD was also given a computer-based attentional screener (in a quiet office environment where she was being compliant) and aced it completely...

FWIW, her brother also can appear absent-minded, even a little bit ADHD (he misplaces items, etc) but in his case, it's much more clear to me that he is living inside his very active mind and it is an artifact of giftedness and asynchronicity. I also think people notice it in him because in most other ways he has a way of seeming mature. I think people even like to see it, because he seems "cute" and kiddie genius-ish when he wanders around with his nose in a thick book using long words but forgets his lunchbox, etc. With DD, the behavior seems more entrenched and also more...biologically long-term and complex.