Originally Posted by Bostonian
Height is not under one's control.
In contrast to height, research shows that the growth/development of one's brain is under one's control (and the control of others who surround and influence that individual).
1) Growth spiral: Stimulation and/or challenging task ==> growing more neural connections ==> increased mental capacity.
2) Downward spiral: Boredom and/or easy task ==> growing fewer neural connections ==> underachievement.

Motivation may play a role, in that individuals complimented/praised for effort may be more likely to choose option 1 (challenging task), when a choice of tasks is available... while individuals primarily complimented/praised for being smart may be more likely to choose option 2 (easy task), when a choice of tasks is available.

When telling a child important information about themselves (such as "You are gifted"), some may say it is also wise to share this "mindset" information from the fields of psychology and neuroscience. This may be seen as providing a user manual for a new machine or appliance (their brain), so they may:
- appropriately understand that "gifted" does not mean they will never make errors/mistakes
- choose to cultivate a positive attitude toward mistakes as a part of embracing the learning process
- enjoy choosing a challenging task
- embrace the struggle and effort which can accompany learning something new.