After a reasonably non-obsessed summer break, am eating metaphorical Wheaties in anticipation of another school year.

One of DS' elective classes in the coming year is in an area of his expertise--it is baseball history. When we selected this class, I was looking through rose-colored glasses but am now trying to view it through a clearer perspective.

DS knows *everything* (hyperbole, but only a little) about this subject already. I imagine he wanted to take it because it provides a social forum to demonstrate his knowledge and discuss his passion.

I'm predicting trouble if this isn't handled appropriately (by DS, that is). It could be an excellent forum for him to practice social skills (not interrupting, not acting like a know-it-all) or it could be a consummate disaster if he offends the teacher. It could be an opportunity for him to focus on the social stuff without being taxed by the curriculum (kind of like kindergarten, except for seventh grade student).

I think I should meet with the teacher, if at all possible, to discuss before school begins.

Does anyone have any suggestions regarding this? I would like to grease the wheels and look for ways to make this a positive experience for all involved.