I just went to a Summer Institute for the Gifted with keynote speaker Jim Webb. He said that the bell curve actually has a bump at about 150 level and there are more people in that category than the perfect bell would suggest. I think I believe this. Our PEGS program (>145) had 21 students in grades K-5 last year, and there were probably 1 or 2 who opted not to go. So, 22 kids (in specific age bracket) from a population of about 60,000 (and it's NOT a high tech, professional community where you might think that'd skew it). According to the statistics, I thought it should be more like 6 kids, right? Maybe we should really only be looking at the number of kids in the district (about 10,000) in which case it should be 1 kid. Or maybe I'm not remembering the projected frequency correctly.