If you have a child was beyond Kindergarten academically, but they attended at 5, how did it go?

We didn't do that.

We started to-- and (thankfully) were steered toward homeschool instead by some kind veteran classroom teachers who took one look at DD (even without test results-- it was THAT obvious that she in no way belonged in that setting) and said "do NOT do this."

Our plan B was to delay the merge until 3rd grade. Unfortunately, that plan only lasted about 14 months, because that's where she was in 14 months (at 6yo).

The work was still inappropriate, and ill-fitting.

This was largely about factors other than DD's academic readiness, by the way, but that was a part of it. She would have been five for the entirety of her kindy year. Instead, she entered a cyberschool 15 months later as a third grader.

In other words, we bypassed early kindergarten entry entirely, and slipped through the loophole which permitted ANY appropriate "grade placement" for a student who was "eligible" for school-- as, being over 6yo, she then was.

She's apparently PG, though, and was always socially VERY "old" for age. That makes a big difference.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.