Originally Posted by Tigerle
So, let's hope that for a couple years at least, with early entry you're good.
But even if you don't get early entry, there's a good chance you're good for the first year regardless. I think that was the reassurance you were seeking?

It's going to depend on the kid and how well they adjust to the school routine. In our case, we never even considered early entrance to K (he would have been 4 throughout the entire year, and I can't imagine he would have been socially or emotionally ready for that much school). Instead, we enrolled him in a play-based pre-school 3 days a week. It was an amazing place, and we liked it so much we enrolled him for a second year there.

That made him very old for K, and I guess we're paying a bit for that decision now, but as Tigerle points out above, there is a pacing issue with gifted kids over the years, and even if we had enrolled him in 1st grade this past year, we'd still be having some challenge issues; they'd just be a bit less severe.

So we're course correcting now and are excited about it.