Thanks for the ideas! We're in Canada, so no 504. :-(

He has an IEP which includes gifted designation, as well as some accommodations for 'challenges'. They are not supposed to penalise him for being slow, but this kind of thing keeps happening. However DS is not very talkative about school and I don't see these project marks until weeks later when he can't remember what happened.

Even now, the day before the last day of school, I've only seen around 5 things come home from all of grade 1. His teachers do answer questions by email or on the phone - but what do I ask if I don't know what he's working on, or having trouble with?

I like your idea eco - I may suggest something like that at our September IEP meeting.

The sad part is, I thought he'd do well at music - he has a great musical ear, sings in tune, and is taking piano lessons. Of course it doesn't help when he refuses go sing along with the class because he doesn't like the songs! At the Christmas concert I could see him lip-syncing. LOL