Hi all -
I suspect what my DD almost-12 is going through is pretty typical middle school angst...but I'm still sad to see her unhappy.

Over the past few months, she pretty regularly will tell me sadly that she "has no friends." The thing is, she DOES have a group of about 5-6 girls that she is "in" with, who include her, who she eats lunch with. But she tells me that a "true friend" is someone you can share your feelings and emotions and ideas with, and trust them, and they'll always be there for you, etc., etc., and she doesn't have anyone like that.

I know she got upset with this group because of the drama this year. One would say something, the other would take offense, it would be a big drama, then they'd make it up. My DD feels VERY deeply, and these displays upset her.

She just finished her first year in a new school - small, but big enough that there are 15 or so other girls outside of this small group, so next year her social circle is likely to change a bit. That may help. But I feel like she has a glowing, idealized view of friendship that is making all others fall short...

My only idea for right now is to try to set her up this summer with one-on-one activities with these girls - hoping that she'll be able to enjoy that without the group drama from the year. But I'm wondering if anyone else has ideas or suggestions?

Thank you!