Originally Posted by Mahagogo5
Originally Posted by aquinas
. If someone is put off by me and my son, who are outwardly normal, nice, clean-cut people showing interest in a friendship then, IMO, it's a red flag about them. Life is too short to miss opportunities for friendships because of social awkwardness. I've made some of my best friends in adulthood by striking up conversation spontaneously. Why should it be different for children? smile

I'm assuming this is in response to my comment. I think it is great that you are so easily able to make friends, not all of us are born with this gift, personally it is something I have working on my entire adult life and still struggle with. Please don't suggest that their is something wrong with folks who find it difficult to make small talk with people they don't know, it takes all types.

This. Life *is* too short to miss opportunities for friendships; perhaps those people who seem put off might just be socially awkward. smile

I like our cards because it takes a little pressure off of me, takes a little pressure off the other parent (who can choose to ignore it), and gives my kids an extra tool when pursuing friendships.