good for Bard for actually doing something different...
... it's about students' readiness to do [the program] level work.
Absolutely! Possibly some elementary school programs will follow suit and find multiple ways to identify gifted program candidates, using demonstrated performance rather than sticking solely to a narrow number of test scores (which the school apparently does not understand the composition of). Thinking of recent threads, including
Did anyone else catch the part about how all homeschoolers passed the essay entrance exam
The essay applicants, from seven countries and 17 states, ranged in age from 14 to 23. (The youngest to be admitted was 15; the oldest, 19.) Ms. Backlund said she had expected many of them to have had unusual educational experiences, but most came from public schools. All three home-schooled essayists got in. One applicant, found to have plagiarized, did not.
Wish they'd've shared the ages of the homeschoolers, all we know is they were between 15 and 19. Because it may be easier to accelerate when homeschooling, it may be safe to venture a guess that the 15-year-old was a homeschooler?