Welcome mominMA. I'll second Portia, never doubt your mom-gut! You know your child better than anyone else. I'll also second yeah, you'll learn quite a bit from a neuropsych eval that will be useful in understanding your ds, and that's all good whether or not he is ultimately 2e or gifted with no e or even not gifted.

I did a quick search and saw an old post from 2013 with scores... fwiw, and this is just my non-professional quick-look question - is there any chance he might have vision issues? One of my dds had double vision (but 20/20 eyesight) when she was in 2nd grade, and none of us (teachers/parents/etc) realized it... and she didn't tell us because she thought all of us were seeing 2 of everything most of the time. She had really low scores in the same set of subtests that your ds did on the WISC. So... just one thing you might want to look for this time around with the neuropsych testing, and something you could ask the neuropsych about.

Best wishes,
