My parents were very strict about make-up and I complained bitterly throughout junior high when I was the only one (or so I thought) in my whole school who was not allowed to wear make-up. I was less strict about this with my DD, but she seems to have little interest in make-up. She usually wears none on the weekends and only a small amount on occasion to school.

I am, however, stricter than Ivy re: hair color. My kids have never dyed their hair, even though they had friends with pink or blue hair in elementary school. I'm also probably stricter than most parents in our neighborhood, though-- no cell phones in elementary or early middle school, no solo dating until 16, etc. I'd rather have my kid feel like he/she is being wild by dyeing hair in college than to be jaded because he/she was allowed to do everything at a young age. I do acknowledge that I am probably in a minority, though.