Originally Posted by TripleB
I would love for my DS8 to start playing an instrument. As a former tenor sax player (grades 6-12) I realize the importance of music to a child.

I talked to our (I'm a 7th grade Math teacher) band director today and he suggested either the piano* (said learning the piano would be the most solid foundation you could have for learning any other instrument as well as singing) or possibly the violin (since the instrument could be customized to the size my the individual musician, and we have an awesome orchestra program locally).

He said it was usually suggested to stay away from instruments that took a lot of breath to play until the child was in the 5th grade or so.

So, what instrument(s) does your DS/DD play and what advice can you give as far as choosing an instrument?

Thanks for any and all input.


Daughters both started on trumpet because it was what they wanted to play. One started in 6th grade the other in 3rd grade. It really comes down to what the kid wants to play... If they have no interest in piano or violin then making them start with either of those will cause them to hate it and possibly hate music. At that age having them play something they want to play will make everything much easier. The notion that a 8 year old doesn't have enough air to play is BS... If a kid can blow up a balloon they can play a wind instrument.