This is all so very helpful. Blackcat, your dd sounds like mine when she was learning the facts. Knew them one minute, and then lost them. She's much better now. We actually went through them last night (after not feeling the need for awhile)and I was pleased at her knowledge- although she was not as quick as I would have expected. Everything else she does is at double-time. I know her MAP reading results have had a note saying it was done in less time than expected and should be reviewed. Of course it's always 99 percentile, so being fast doesn't seem to affect her score there. It may however, in math.

I've also gone over her classroom math tests. Seems like problems she got wrong were with not attempted, or she made a simple math error somewhere (sometimes just not being able to read her own writing) that affected the answer. She always had the concept right, even with word problems.

I'm going to ask for an evaluation from the school, although talking with some other Moms, I feel like they may not be interested because she's not failing math.

I will review her Cogat scores too.
Thanks! And keep the ideas coming. They are so helpful.