When deciding between colleges -- it's so easy to get caught up in "where can I go for the least amount of money", especially when that amount is "basically free", but I think more kids and parents need to realize and agree that a smaller scholarship that's less stressful, or a cheaper college that's less prestigious but roughly as good educationally, or taking out student loans for a college that's a good fit...in the long run, is better than a full scholarship to an elite college requiring absolute PERFECTION with a side of stress, compromised mental health, and sleep deprivation.
I'm not saying you shouldn't look for scholarships, or that you should drown yourself in student loan debt. But you should make the choice that's right for you and compromise what you can afford with what's going to help you be a successful, healthy, happy person. In the end, a lesser-known college will still give you an education and student loan debts can be paid off, but unfortunately, cases like Madison's won't go away by themselves.
I know it's easier said than done. But we can't just accept that kids are going to be depressed, anxious, and suicidal. And if it means passing up that scholarship, so be it. And hopefully colleges will realize putting students in these situations -- where they have to choose between their health and a college scholarship, or a prestigious university -- isn't acceptable, even if it's unintentional.