syolbrig, is his spelling ability better when he's just tasked with spelling? I only ask that because my dysgraphic ds still has horrible spelling when writing (even when typing - thank goodness for autocorrect for him!).... but he's never had the issue with spelling as a task by itself. My dyslexic dd, otoh, has had to have a ton of tutoring in spelling. We tried AAS at home and didn't get far with it, but that wasn't an issue with AAS, it was an issue with my dd not wanting to work on spelling and especially not wanting to work with her mom on spelling smile She's seeing a tutor now and that's working a lot better for her smile A *long* time ago, when ds was first diagnosed, we consulted with a tutor who suggested a form of visual spelling that didn't require buying a program. It was actually a pretty good system, although I don't remember all the steps at this point in time.

Good luck with the spelling - its' been really tough for both of my kiddos - for ds because no matter how well he knows how to spell, it just isn't something he can think about while writing. He really just tends to automatically spell-check / autocorrect everything now and laughs about all the mistakes that fly through. If only the rest of the world would agree that "the" spells "they" we'd all be much happier (at my house lol). For dd tough just because it takes so much more work to learn spelling rules than it does other kids.

Best wishes,
