I spoke with my Davidson consultant and she said she is not able to advocate for us.

They do have a limited number of slots. We believe his NNAT2 was miscalculated because his score was in the 1st percentile...really. Every other data point we have ever had on my son inside and out of the school district shows he is gifted.

We are suspecting they used the computer (timed) score that was supposed to be cancelled out since they violated his 504. You would think the TAG committee would say "gee, this kid has 99s in everything but math, and an 86 in that one...but a 1 in the NNAT2? Something is wrong here." but they just denied him. We have yet to receive a call/email back from the TAG office.

Glad to see others are as perplexed as I am as to why the principal would not allow my son to read books at his level. When he was in Kindergarten his teacher gave him 4th grade books...now he is in 3rd grade, and he is still getting 4th grade books even though he reads at a higher level.

Any other suggestions? I appreciate the tips thus far. Thanks!