HK.. I was talking about both the psycologist DS is seeing and finding someone to test him. Very hit & miss and to find someone can required making a lot of phone calls. Every time I've needed to find someone it's been like what you describe, calling a list of psycologists. The insurance gave me a list that is almost useless. Although I did get this to work our first time round it 6th grade, the problem was while he was good at working through the anxiety he knew little about gifted kids.

This time a person I trusted suggested this woman who worked with gifted teens, and we called her and she had a spot. Luck really because she is currently teaching two courses this semester as can't take on any more private patients at this time. But when we called she had spots. So far she has been really good for DS. She has a 2E kid who is in college & a teenager. And she shares a lot of our same values. But she doesn't take insurance and isn't cheap.

Good Luck