AJAmom, your DD sounds like my DD9 - not passionate about math, but passionate about science, so I have had the identical concerns (so I keep an eye on her math progress, including on MAP).

FWIW, I'd love to hear others chime in about real-life scoring on the 6+ version (we are not there, yet). An anecdote - I have heard from some parents that their gifted students didn't transition well from 2-5 to 6+ version (scoring lower, not showing much growth), but I don't yet have a student taking 6+. aeh's comments are interesting (as always!). I did not know about the test bank items.

Yes, MAP has no time limit, so it may benefit cautious students or students with slower processing. The ACT and SAT might be useful if she doesn't find the time restrictions too much (but they might underestimate her abilities if she needed more time).