Thanks for the replies.

At school she took HS-level algebra in 6th and HS-level geometry this year.

They thought her scores would go up when she moved to the 6+ version of MAP but it didn't happen much. Other kids are reporting scores much closer to the hard ceiling in the doc posted by Loy58 but many of them may not have hit high scores as early. Some did though. Hmmm.

DD's PSAT score rose from 49 in 6th to 54 in 7th (and she's slow and didn't answer everything). Her MAP scores actually put her higher in comparison to HS sophmores than the PSAT did, but MAP has no time limit.

So maybe she really has been kinda treading water the past couple of years? She does appear to be learning something!

She's doing the ACT and SAT this spring, so maybe that will be insightful, (although not relevant in any way to the high school admission requirements). Maybe it will help us figure out if she has gaps somewhere...

For the record, she's not passionate about math so it normally wouldn't matter, but she's passionate about science and some of the really elite programs require an astounding math score for entry.