squishys, unfortunately, really high VS (in isolation) is not highly valued in traditional school settings, which primarily value verbal ability and processing speed. In life, it can be very useful. (Parallel parking, for instance!)

High VS does tend to track some aspects of math ability, and many hands-on abilities (e.g., vocational-technical schools tend to be enriched for high VS). Aufilia's dc is also strong in FR, which suggests math should be the area of strength. That will be appreciated less in the primary years, when schools are focused on literacy, and more in the higher grades.

Aufilia, did your examiner give you a Nonverbal Index? That leaves out the verbal subtests, and might come out a little higher. (Though with the other scatter-y and possibly low-estimate subtests, it equally may not.)

ETA: actually, I just looked over the list of specific subtests in the NVI, and it includes BD, MR, PC, PM, and BS, which leaves out all of the lowest subtest scores.

Last edited by aeh; 04/15/15 04:53 AM.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...