Yes, my DD goes to this school. At our parent-teacher conference 2 weeks ago, both my daughter's teacher and the special ed teacher she works with said they'd be in favor of him entering early based on their experience with DD. The special ed teacher had recently spent a couple hours hanging out with DS because she was DD's mentor at the state science fair.
However, it's worth pointing out that DD's processing speed is also in the PG range, whereas I suspect DS's processing speed may in fact be comparatively low. He doesn't "get" things the way DD does... though he does seem to have done well enough for himself so far.
DS has been enrolled in one preschool or another for the last 3 years straight, including the last year at a half-day Montessori and 18 months before that in a full time regular daycare/preschool center.
Doing K then skipping to 2nd would mean doing K work, which I fear would be very boring. And he's not as academically motivated as DD. I worry that he won't see any reason to actually work hard enough to seem like a good skip candidate.
I have thought about asking about a mid-year skip but it seems like that would be socially disruptive and I'd like to avoid social disruption. On the other hand, doing half a year of K would have the advantage of doing half-days for the first half of the year instead of full days.
I've thought about asking if he could try entering right now, mid-year, as a Kindergartener. There are certainly some skills that aren't covered very well in Montessori, like writing. But 6 more months of maturity wouldn't hurt his cause any plus our district actually has some still requirements for early K entrance (but not so much for early 1st entrance).
Last edited by Aufilia; 04/14/15 03:33 PM.