DD7 has had a pretty rough school year this year. Her teacher doesn't get her and thinks that her social issues are because she is a year younger than her peers. (No one else other than her classroom teacher thinks this.) She also expects DD to be perfect in everything she does because she is so smart.
We are just ending spring break and gearing up for the last 9 weeks of the school year.
Knowing that it will be a struggle to keep DD a willing participant in school, and that we will not get any help from the teacher, we are trying to put together a list of possible projects for her to do after school that will give her something else to think about rather than dwelling on how bad school was every day (as she had gotten into the habit of doing over the last month).
DD is into building things, loves her snap circuits kit, likes to bake/cook, loves her Goldie Blox kit, but doesn't like Legos and if she thinks we're giving her canned crafts to do will refuse to do them.
Similarly, she has decided she isn't as interested in art as she thought she might be, so painting and drawing is out. She loves to do role playing and makes up elaborate story lines we have to follow as we play whatever the scenario is for the day.
Any suggestions of projects we could do with stuff around the house would be great.