That's on my mind, too.

See the thing is, one way or the other the next 3 years are going to be busy and challenging for Rite. I've heard the "let him enjoy his childhood...why push him" argument from most of the relatives last night. I answered "To save $30,000 or more". chuckle.

Anyhow, the guidance counselor said making it through the U of MN with good grades and a great MCAT (is that the pre-test for med school??) will give him great options for med. schools. She said he could also be set up for excellent assistance for those, too.....assistantships and the like.

Rite says he'd like to be a cardiologist. So, he does have a long haul. Of course, he's only just turned 15. He's a long way to go to decide on his career.

The grandkid thing..........YIKES!!! Gosh! I am that old!!!


Willa Gayle