Very nicely put Mahagogo, I have tried to avoid getting my daughter too much girly stuff but she still has some - the Rainbow Loom, Hand-me-down Polly Pocket dolls and stuffed animals sit right there next to her Lego Mindstorms, Raspberry Pi and soldering iron.

One of the first things that I remember my daughter doing that showed she had innate musical abilities was when we heard her banging out some of the 'Disney princess' movie tunes on a xylophone just playing by ear. She was obsessed with Princess stuff - listened to the CDs constantly but (thank God) moved on.

I think that it is really important for anyone, but especially a child, to learn to march to the beat of their own drum. They have to learn to make up their own minds and like or dislike things based on their own preferences and opinions - not those of radical crackpots or the pap served up by the mainstream media.

I think that a girl should be free to have girly fun or 'boyy' fun whenever she chooses to.

Last edited by madeinuk; 04/09/15 03:20 AM.

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