redshirting is all the rage in los angeles... and at mirman there is a range of 18-22 months between the kids. i know that most if not all private schools here want them older in K, not younger... even if you are beyond what they are teaching. i think it's more a behavior issue than anything. we have friends who's son was 5 on the 2nd of october and every school asked them to apply the next year as they felt he was too young for the class. everything here is older. my dd has a birthday at the end of feb. and she is one of the youngest in her class. they started turning 6 in her kinder. right in the beginning of school. even though mirman's kinder. teaches 1st grade material, i would say about 1/2 already had a public kinder before they got to mirman. weird right? i say, whatever is the norm where you are, just go with the flow.