Looking for thoughts/research re: delaying admission to Kindergarten for DS3. His older brother, DS7, is HG. All signs point to DS3 being gifted although possibly 2E (anxiety). DS3 has a late June birthday and Dad wants to hold him back a year from beginning Kindergarten in Fall 2016 as he will have just turned 5. I'm not convinced this is the right path as we may then just be facing the school wanting to accelerate him. The research I have found supports holding back kids with a summer birthday and indicates test scores, math achievement and reading outcomes are significantly better for summer birthday kids that did not start kindergarten until age 6. I also found 1 article that indicated that gifted kids with a summer birthday often go unidentified due to being overlooked by teachers because they are young. All signs are pointing to my husband being right on this one, which is okay with me, but my gut thinks it's a mistake. Thoughts?