Just wanted to let you know that for us, the conversations have only gotten more intense over the past year. My son is somewhat comforted by looping back to discussions of lifecycles of animals and plants and discussing death in the context of making room for new life. Forest fires are necessary so that new plants can grow. If people never died, there would not be enough room or food for new babies. He is also very comfortable with the food chain.
I try to assure him that I will do my best to teach him everything I can and that when I die (a long time from now, hopefully) he will be ready. He is fascinated by concepts of ancestors and descendents, and understands that if ancestors never die, there just aren't enough resources for descendants. He really likes math so it helps him to understand that the math just doesn't work. He mostly likes to hear that it won't happen soon and that I will have taught him everything he needs to know so he will be as ready as possible when it does happen. (I desperately hope both are true.)

Last edited by SAHM; 03/23/15 09:54 PM.